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How do I translate LinkMan?


LinkMan public pages (everything viewed by your website visitors) can be translated like this:


  1. Create a new language folder inside the LinkMan /language folder.
    Name the new folder with tags to represent the new language: "language-COUNTRY". Use only letters, digits and hyphens when naming folders.
    For example, you would name Portuguese language used in Portugal or Brazil as follows:
    - /language/pt-PT
    - /language/pt-BR
    Tip: Create a new language folder even if you plan to make only minor changes to the default language:

    This for example ensures any future LinkMan updates do not overwrite the changes you make.

  2. Copy all files from /language/en-US folder to your new language folder
  3. Download and install this powerful free text editor: Notepad++
  4. Open your public.php file (/language/pt-PT/public.php) in Notepad++
  5. In each line that contains => translate the text on the right side of =>, for example:
    'e_error' => "Error",

    When translated into German becomes:

    'e_error' => "Fehler",

    Do NOT translate anything on the left side of =>
    Note that the text is inside "double quotes" and the line ends with a comma ,

    Due to PHP requirements, any double quotes within the text (anything except the fist and last double quote) needs to be escaped with a backslash \

    'quote_test' => "One " Two",

    'quote_test' => "One \" Two",
  6. When finished, go to Notepad++ top menu and select Encoding > Convert to UTF-8 (option without BOM)
  7. Save the file

  8. Upload the new language folder to your server
  9. Login to LinkMan admin panel
  10. Go to Settings and select the new language


That's it, the public link exchange pages should now be translated.


Public link exchange stops working after changing language change

This happens when the public.php file contains errors. Pay attention to placement of quotes and commas as explained in Step 5. above and make sure you comply with Step 6. above.

If nothing works, try the support forum for help.


How do I translate admin panel

The admin panel is currently not available for translation by modifying a common file in the language folder. To translate it, you will need to manually modify each of the LinkMan files by searching for text and translating it.


Have you translated LinkMan?

Please share your translation with others at the support forum.
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Article details
Article ID: 41
Category: LinkMan - Link Exchange Script
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.0/5.0 (4)

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