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The anti-SPAM image (captcha) doesn't show


The image may be missing due to several possible problems:

  1. Is GD library enabled?

    1. Download this test file: GD test file

    2. Upload the gd_test.php inside to your server.

    3. Open gd_test.php in your browser, for example:

    4. If you see a green OK image, the GD library works fine.

      If not, contact your hosting company and ask them to enable PHP GD Library.

  2. Do PHP sessions work?

    1. Download this test file: PHP Sessions test file

    2. Upload the session_test.php inside to your server.

    3. Open session_test.php in your browser, for example:

    4. Click the button to go to Step 2 of the test.

    5. If you see a OK success message, PHP sessions work fine.

      If not, contact your hosting company and ask them to verify why PHP sessions are nt working.
  3. Is a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) present?

    BOM is a starting byte sequence in files that is usually hidden in text editors, but can cause problems when present in PHP includes.

    Try this:

    1. Does the guestbook work, if you upload original unmodified files to the server (without even opening and modifying the settings.php file)?

    2. If yes, convert all your GBook *.php files to UTF-8 without BOM
    3. Close all browser windows and try again.
  4. None of the above applies, but the image still doesn't show?

    Your server is probably housing a pesky troll; submit a message to the support forum for help.
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Article details
Article ID: 24
Category: GBook - guestbook script
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (10)

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