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How do I customize LinkMan?


LinkMan public pages (everything viewed by your website visitors) can be customized by creating your own LinkMan Template:


  1. Create a new template folder inside the LinkMan /templates folder.
    Use only letters, digits, underscore and hyphens when naming folders.
    - /templates/my_template
    - /templates/blue-and-silver
    Tip: Create a new template even if you plan to make only minor changes to the default templates.

    This for example ensures any future LinkMan updates do not overwrite the changes you make.

  2. Copy all files from /templates/default folder to your new template folder.

    Note: you may also copy files from /templates/linkman_v1 folder instead. This is a basic simple HTML template based on LinkMan version 1.x look.
  3. Modify the HTML and/or CSS code inside each template file to fit your needs.

    LinkMan will always first include the layout.tpl.php file, then the specific page file where this code is located inside the layout.tpl.php:
    // Here comes the content template
    require $tpl_file;
  4. For security reasons, make sure each *.tpl.php template file starts with this code:
    if (!defined('IN_SCRIPT')) {
        die('Invalid attempt!');
  5. When finished, save each file in UTF-8 encoding (without BOM).

  6. Upload the new template folder to your server
  7. Login to LinkMan admin panel
  8. Go to Settings and select the new template

  9. Test all public pages to make sure they work normally!



Public link exchange stops working after changing template

This happens when one or more of template files contain PHP errors. When editing templates, make sure the code validates as PHP.

If nothing works, try the support forum for help.


How do I modify the admin panel

To ensure a good admin panel experience and proper functionality, templates are currently available for public pages only and not for the admin panel.


Have you created a great new template for LinkMan?

Please share your template with others at the support forum.
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Article details
Article ID: 42
Category: LinkMan - Link Exchange Script
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.7/5.0 (15)

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