LinkMan PHP Link Manager


» Install LinkMan

Please take 5 minutes to read the installation instructions carefully and completely! This will ensure a proper and easy installation.

Installation steps:

  1. Connect with FTP to the public folder of your server where the rest of your Web site is.

    TIP: The public folder is usually called "public_html", "www", "site" or "htdocs".

    TIP: Learn how to FTP files, read my simple FTP and CHMOD tutorial.

  2. Create a new folder where you will install LinkMan. Name it anything you like, for example "links" or "linkman".
    Example: /public_html/links
    Corresponding URL:

  3. Upload all LinkMan files to your server. PHP files must be transferred in ASCII mode and images in BINARY mode.

    TIP: Most FTP clients will select the proper transfer mode automatically so you needn't worry about this.

  4. Open links/install in your browser, for example (modify to your URL):

  5. The LinkMan setup script will run. Follow instructions there.

  6. Delete the "install" directory from your server.

  7. Login to the admin panel to add links, perform various tasks and manage settings:

    TIP: passwords are CaSe SeNSiTiVe ("PASS" is not the same as "pass").

  8. Things to do next:

    • Click the "Settings" link to edit available options.

    • Open the public links page and test it:

    • To start the link exchange, add a link to the public links page ( to your website.

  9. If you have problems/questions see the "HELP and Troubleshooting" section further down.

  10. Support LinkMan development by purchasing a license.

  11. Good luck using LinkMan!

» Upgrading from versions 2.x

Please take 5 minutes to read the upgrade instructions carefully and completely! This will ensure a proper and easy upgrade.

Upgrade steps from versions 2.x:

    ... or don't blame me if something goes wrong.

  2. Upload all files to your server except these (keep existing ones):
    - /config folder and all files inside
    - /templates folder and all files inside

  3. Open links/install/update.php in your browser, for example (modify to your URL):

  4. Delete the "install" directory from your server.

  5. Support LinkMan development by purchasing a license.

  6. Good luck using LinkMan!

» Upgrading from versions 1.x

Please take 5 minutes to read the upgrade instructions carefully and completely! This will ensure a proper and easy upgrade.

Upgrade steps from LinkMan version 1.x:

  1. A lot has changed. Old settings will be overwritten. Existing links can be imported.

    It is recommended to install the new version of Linkman in a new (empty) folder.

    TIP: rename your old LinkMan folder for example to links_old and install the new version in the links folder.

    ... or don't blame me if something goes wrong.

  3. Upload all LinkMan files to your server.

  4. Open links/install in your browser, for example (modify to your URL):

  5. The LinkMan setup script will run. Follow instructions there.

  6. Delete the "install" directory from your server.

  7. Login to the admin panel:

  8. Go to "Backups" page

  9. Use the "Import legacy backup" form to upload your old linkinfo.txt file.

    If your existing links use any non-English characters (like ä, é, š, č, й, 戰 etc...) you will need to convert the old linkinfo.txt file to UTF-8 before importing it: Convert file to UTF-8

  10. Support LinkMan development by purchasing a license.

  11. Good luck using LinkMan!

» HELP and Troubleshooting

1. What is CHMOD and FTP?

I prepared a simple FTP and CHMOD tutorial that will help you FTP files to your server and set correct CHMOD settings.

2. Installation shows error: Not writable

PHP does not have permission to write to a required file or folder.

On Linux servers CHMOD the mentioned files to 666 (rw-rw-rw-) and mentioned folders to 777 (rwxrwxrwx).

On Windows IIS servers give Internet Guest Alinks (IUSR) permission to modify, write and read these files and folders.

If this error persists, ask your hosting company to set correct file permissions.

3. Installation shows error: File missing

A required file is missing on your server.

Make sure you upload all LinkMan files to the server. Always download original script files from PHP Junkyard directly.

4. Installation shows error: Session Failed

A server-side error is preventing PHP sessions to work correctly.

Ask your hosting company to verify why PHP sessions aren't working.

5. Where is administration panel?

Administration panel is located inside the admin folder:

(modify link to your LinkMan installation URL)

6. How do I...


7. I am still having problems!

  1. Browse our Knowledgebase.

  2. Search the Support forum.


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